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The Last Dance Recap Pt.1

As the first day of school is approaching and as the summer season comes to an end for most basketball clubs. DFW SOURCE OF SPORTS hosted the last dance to end with a bang in Duncanville,Texas.

Trey’s First Dance

Treiden Washington-Neal Texas Legion

Even though this was the last dance of the summer for most players, but for Treiden Washington- Neal it was his first dance at this party.

Washington-Neal is a incoming 3rd grader who’s basketball game is mature beyond his age. He was one of the youngest playing in the 3rd grade bracket and is talented! The way he knows how to read a defense and to make plays with his quick ball handling skills was very impressive. Washington-Neal will be fun to watch in future ball leagues and tournaments over the years to come.

Fresh Faces

DJ Smith 6'8

Class of 2025

Summer Team : Sparks

High School : Denison High School

We met DJ Smith, 6’8 who is an incoming freshman that will be a problem to handle on the court for years to come. Smith is a 6’8 freshman that scores around the rim, rebounds the ball and blocks shots. With His long length he makes it hard for players to score against him. His game has potential to grow into similarities to Al Hordford capabilities (NBA POWER FOWARD). Smith will be attending Denison High School and we look forward to seeing his growth.

Tayshaun Goston 6'0

Class of 2025

Summer Team : RH4L

High School : Arlington High School

Goston is a athletic guard that plays hard and produces on the stat street. Goston will be highly recruited division 1 prospect over these next coming years. He has accurate deep shooting range that forces his defender to come out where they have to guard him 1 on 1. He has smooth handles, nice court vision, a scoring machine and has good upsize that makes him a complete player. Being only 14 years old, he plays like he’s 16! Goston has a chance to be one of the greats and we looking forward to him being on the varsity court really soon.

The Splash Sisters

If you familiar with the splash brothers from Golden State Warriors, then you might want to get familiar with the middle and high school version that will be known as the splash sisters. It’s ironic that founder, Rob Taylor of Got Skills Basketball (merged with DFW ELITE for the girls circuit) is from Oakland, California. Now Coach Taylor can convert being a fan of the Golden State Warriors to coaching the splash sisters. These young ladies will be playing middle school basketball into high school together that will develop them being hard trio to beat.

Sari Taylor 5’5 (Steph Curry)

Class of 2026

Summer Team : DFW ELITE Got Skills

Middle School : Wester Middle School

Fast and quick point guard that can run a offense and get the ball to the right places. She is a pass first guard with great vision, can score at any given moment and relentless on ball defense.

Darin Baldwin 6’0 (Draymond Green)

Class of 2026

Summer Team : DFW ELITE Got Skills

Middle School : Wester Middle School

A strong post player, who bang down low hard and can score. Seals her defenders well to draw fouls. Excellent rebounder, keeps the ball up high and will create space.

Hayden Hearst 6’0 (Kevin Durant )

Class of 2026

Summer Team : DFW ELITE Got Skills

Middle School : Wester Middle School

Hearst is a long and active wing that can easily play all five positions on the floor. She has a nice deep shooting range, can stretch a defense out and can score at will. If you follow Kevin Durant and are familiar with his skills being a threat to opponents, then Hearst is no different. With the hunger to keep getting better, and the humbleness of excelling, this young lady has potential power 5 school bound written all over her.

Double Trouble

For the whole DFW basketball community, I will advise you to sit and watch the Pink Goats basketball team one weekend whenever they are playing. This is a group that is fun to watch from their players playing, coaches coaching and the fans interacting and cheering during the games. Coach Octavia Simpson & Coach Clameshia Brown do an excellent job with this team and for that they were able to bring home the Gold! We have to also give props to the double trouble twins Andrew James & Adrian James.

(Coach Octavia Simpson & Coach Clameshia Brown)

Andrew James 5’9

Class of 2025

Summer Team : Pink Goats

High School :Trinity Leadership

Is a head down and get to work type of player on the floor, he plays hard every possession on offense and defense and does whatever it takes to win. Andrew can score the ball in many ways and has a nice feel for the game. Keep your eye out on him.

Adrian James 5’9

Class of 2025

Summer Team : Pink Goats

High School :Trinity Leadership

A Quick guard who knows how to control the pace of the game. He’s alpha dog on defense and doesn’t care how tall or short the Opponent is, Adrian is going to bring it to you hard every single time. Similar to his brother, he add a swag to the game that a coach can’t teach. Adrian creates his shots with his quick handles and speed to keep the defender guessing. We see you Adrian, keep putting in work on track court!

DFW Source of sports would like to Thank all of the Coaches, Players and Fans for coming out to support the event. We love to see players enjoying theirselves while doing what they enjoy, basketball. It’s a privilege to work with so many talented players and coaches and devoted parents, family and friends. We would like to personally invite you all back to our next event on August 21.

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